马德拉岛的北海岸,葡萄牙 The north coast of Madeira, Portugal (© Hemis/Alamy)

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马德拉的北海岸葡萄牙 The north coast of Madeira, Portugal (© Hemis/Alamy)

Exploring the 'Pearl of the Atlantic'

We're taking a view of the island of Madeira, by far the largest island in the Madeira archipelago, which sits 320 miles off the coast of Morocco in the North Atlantic. Part of an autonomous region of Portugal, Madeira, known as the 'Pearl of the Atlantic,' boasts a diverse forest ecosystem, endemic flora and fauna, and the largest living stand of laurel trees in the world. It's a great place to hike, too. Trails run alongside irrigation channels, called levadas, that move water all over the island. Walks range from easy strolls in the countryside to precarious hikes along mountain ridges or into remote parts of the forests. Afterward, the calorie-depleted can dig into a local delicacy like peixe espada com banana (fried local fish with banana) and sip on Madeira wine. Saúde!


我们正在观看马德拉岛,这是迄今为止马德拉群岛中最大的岛屿,位于北大西洋摩洛哥海岸320英里外。作为葡萄牙自治区的一部分,被称为“大西洋明珠”的马德拉拥有多样化的森林生态系统、特有的动植物群和世界上最大的活月桂林。这也是徒步旅行的好地方。小径沿着被称为levadas的灌溉渠延伸,这些灌溉渠将水输送到全岛。散步的范围从乡村的轻松漫步到沿着脊或进入森林偏远地区的危险徒步旅行。之后,消耗掉的热量可以吃到当地的美味,比如peixe espada com香蕉(用香蕉炸当地鱼),然后啜饮马德拉葡萄酒。萨乌德!

标签: 葡萄牙, 海岸

