俯瞰着特雷维的扁桃花,意大利佩鲁贾 Almond blossoms overlooking Trevi, Perugia district, Umbria, Italy (© Maurizio Rellini/eStock Photo)

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俯瞰着特雷维的扁桃意大利佩鲁贾 Almond blossoms overlooking Trevi, Perugia district, Umbria, Italy (© Maurizio Rellini/eStock Photo)

Trevi in bloom

Perched high above the lush Italian countryside is Trevi, a great medieval hill town. Trevi is considered one of the prettiest and most authentic of the medieval towns that dot the Umbria region. Counts and cardinals built these communities to show off their wealth and they built them up high to keep them safe from rivals.

Surrounding Trevi is a rock wall built around 2,000 years ago. From there, it's a winding walk up through cobblestone streets and squares lined with churches and other buildings from the Romanesque, Gothic, and Renaissance eras. Flowers spill from window boxes and markets fill with local goods, including black truffles, black celery, asparagus, and olive oil, said to be among the best in all of Italy. We recommend stopping for a classic Umbrian meal (with a local red wine) before making your way to the top of Trevi to take in views of the lush countryside below. Francis of Assisi loved this area so much, he wandered it by foot for years. And is it any wonder? From here, you can see olive groves covering the mountainsides and dense forests where the elusive black truffles grow.




标签: 意大利, 佩鲁贾

