拉韦尔泰佐附近一条河里的石头,瑞士塞斯卡山谷 Stones in a river near the hamlet of Lavertezzo, in the Valle Verzasca of Switzerland (© Robert Seitz/Offset by Shutterstock)

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拉韦尔泰佐附近一条里的石头,瑞士塞斯卡山谷 Stones in a river near the hamlet of Lavertezzo, in the Valle Verzasca of Switzerland (© Robert Seitz/Offset by Shutterstock)

A river runs through it

In just a few months it'll be warm enough to perch for a while on this smooth river rock, dangle your feet into the water, and take in this gorgeous Swiss scenery. We're here in the Valle Verzasca, a valley in Ticino, Switzerland, close to the Italian border. There in the near distance is the tiny hamlet of Lavertezzo, where most everyone speaks Italian. Tourists normally flock to this area in warm summer months to swim and snorkel in the river's famous turquoise waters and to jump off the 17th century double-arched bridge known as the Ponte dei Salti (Bridge of Jumps). The very, very brave bungee jump off the nearby Contra dam, made famous in the 1995 James Bond film 'GoldenEye.'


再过几个月,这里就会暖和起来,可以在这滑的河石上栖息一会儿,把你的脚吊入水中,欣赏这美丽的瑞士景色。我们现在在瑞士提契诺的一个谷,靠近意大利边境。在不远处有一个小村庄拉维特佐,那里大多数人都说意大利语。游客通常在温暖的夏季涌向这一地区,在著名的绿松石河水中游泳和浮潜,并从被称为Ponte dei Salti(跳跃)的17世纪双拱桥上跳下。从附近的康特拉水坝上非常非常勇敢的蹦极跳下,在1995年詹姆斯·邦德的电影《黄金眼》中成名

标签: 瑞士, 山谷

