
费尔蒙芳堤娜城堡酒店,魁北克省,加拿大 Chateau Frontenac, Quebec City, Canada (© Romiana Lee/Shutterstock)

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费尔蒙芳堤娜城堡酒店魁北克省,加拿大 Chateau Frontenac, Quebec City, Canada (© Romiana Lee/Shutterstock)

冬天的乐趣 Good cold fun



Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Among all the pre-Lenten celebrations that take place around the world in February, the most famous are associated with warm-weather cities like Rio and New Orleans, where revelers party it up in elaborate costumes during the run-up to Ash Wednesday. It's a different affair in Quebec City, pictured here, where participants in the Quebec Winter Carnival enjoy all things winter, from snow sculptures to sleigh races. This former frontier outpost, and little sister to Montreal, is known for its spirited embrace of the coldest, darkest season. No surprise that its winter festival is the biggest in the Western Hemisphere.

皮埃尔丰城堡,皮卡第大区,法国 The Château de Pierrefonds in the Oise department of Picardy, France (© Hemis/Alamy)

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皮埃尔丰城堡,皮卡第大区,法国 The Château de Pierrefonds in the Oise department of Picardy, France (© Hemis/Alamy)

日出时分的古老城堡 The old castle at sunrise


皮埃尔丰城堡拥有丰富而复杂的历史,可追溯到中世纪。它建于14世纪,由法国国王查理六世的兄弟路易斯·奥尔良 (Louis d'Orléans) 在一座古老城堡的废墟上建造。 在17世纪初被路易十三的军队围困并拆除后,这座城堡一直是废墟,直到19世纪拿破仑三世要求建筑师Viollet-le-Duc对其进行修复。这将使用创新的重建技术来修复城堡受损的部分。

Chateau de Pierrefonds, France

Pierrefonds Castle has a rich and complex history dating back to the Middle Ages. It was built in the 14th century by Louis d'Orléans, brother of King Charles VI of France, on the ruins of an older castle. After being besieged and then dismantled at the beginning of the 17th century by the troops of Louis XIII, the castle remained in ruins until the 19th century when Napoleon III asked the architect Viollet-le-Duc to restore it. This will use innovative reconstruction techniques to restore the damaged parts of the castle.