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座头鲸 Humpback whale (© Philip Thurston/Getty Images)

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座头 Humpback whale (© Philip Thurston/Getty Images)

座头鲸唱歌的地方 Where the humpback whale sings




World Oceans Day

Oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface, so it's no surprise they play a crucial role in our planet's climate and ecosystem, supporting a huge amount of marine life. Humpback whales, like the one in our homepage image, can be found in all oceans and have among the world’s longest migrations, traveling thousands of miles from tropical breeding grounds to colder waters in search of food. They are also known for their haunting 'songs.' There are many theories about why they sing, but some research suggests it might be a sign of loneliness. The good news is, that a global ban on commercial whaling has seen their numbers increase, so there is less need for whales to feel lonely.

However, whales' aquatic environment is still at risk from climate change and human action. World Oceans Day is held on June 8 to remind us that the oceans are crucial for the survival of all life on Earth, producing at least half of all the planet's oxygen and home to most of its biodiversity, upon which we all depend.

在新湾潜水的南露脊鲸,阿根廷瓦尔德斯半岛 Southern right whale diving in the Golfo Nuevo near the Valdes Peninsula, Argentina (© Gabriel Rojo/Minden Pictures)

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在新潜水的南露脊阿根廷瓦尔德斯半岛 Southern right whale diving in the Golfo Nuevo near the Valdes Peninsula, Argentina (© Gabriel Rojo/Minden Pictures)

洋里的巨鲸 Giants of the Southern Ocean

Southern right whale

The end of September in the Southern Hemisphere means warming weather and the nearing of summer. For southern right whales like this one off the coast of Argentina, this means a transit southward toward Antarctica and rich feeding grounds. Southern right whales are a subspecies of right whale that inhabit the oceans below the equator. They feed on krill at the surface of the water, holding their mouths open as they swim through clouds of the tiny crustaceans.

Right whales got their names because they were the 'right' whale to hunt, desirable to whalers because they were relatively slow and floated when they died. Right whales are easily identifiable by the thick white calluses on their heads. They tend to be social and curious creatures and have been known to have close encounters with humans. They spend winters in warmer waters closer to the equator. The whale featured today surfaced off the Valdes Peninsula, home to the largest breeding population in the world, and a fitting location for the Southern Whale Natural Monument, created in 1984. In these protected waters, thousands of whales will mate and give birth, staying until October or November, when they will begin their great migration south.




在海洋里畅游的座头鲸和海豚,美国夏威夷州 Humpback whales and dolphins, Hawaii (© drewsulockcreations/Getty Images)

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海洋里畅游的座头和海豚,美国夏威夷州 Humpback whales and dolphins, Hawaii (© drewsulockcreations/Getty Images)

世界鲸鱼日快乐 Wishing you whale of a World Whale Day

Humpback whales and dolphins

As surely as some tourists return to Hawaii each and every year, thousands of humpback whale families, like the one seen in this photo, make an annual winter visit to the waters off Maui. They're the reason behind today's cetacean celebration: World Whale Day. While the observance honors whales of all kinds in all the world's oceans, it was here in Maui that the Pacific Whale Foundation first held the event and timed it to match the yearly return of the humpbacks.

These whales belong to one of at least four populations of humpbacks that live in the North Pacific. This group spends winters breeding and resting up in Hawaii's warm waters before making a summer migration to their feeding grounds in the chilly depths off Alaska. If you visit Hawaii during February, you'll have one of the best opportunities anywhere to spot these majestic marine mammals—and as we see here, maybe you'll spot a few dolphins too!


