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鸟瞰瓜塔佩巨岩,哥伦比亚瓜塔佩 Aerial view of El Peñón de Guatapé, Guatapé, Antioquia, Colombia (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

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鸟瞰瓜塔佩巨岩,哥伦比亚瓜塔佩 Aerial view of El Peñón de Guatapé, Guatapé, Antioquia, Colombia (© Amazing Aerial Agency/Offset by Shutterstock)

A magnificent monolith

Towering more than 650 feet, El Peñón de Guatapé (The Rock of Guatapé) is an inselberg, which is geologist-speak for a stone monolith that stands alone amid relatively flat surroundings. This huge rock is found in northwest Colombia, a region once inhabited by indigenous Tahamí people, who are said to have worshipped El Peñón, as many locals now call it. Probably because it's so smooth, no one is known to have climbed the rock until 1954, when a small group of friends scaled it by wedging a series of boards into a vertical crack. It took them five days to reach the top.

These days El Peñón is considerably easier to climb, but it'll still make you work for that view at the top. Into the same crack the climbers used back in '54, a masonry staircase now makes several switchbacks all the way to the summit. Each of the 740 stairs is numbered, so you can be reminded with each step just how many more remain before you arrive at the viewing platform up top.


高达650英尺,瓜塔佩 (瓜塔佩之岩) 是一个孤,这是地质学家所说的在相对平坦的环境中独立存在的一块石头。这块巨石发现于哥伦比亚西北部,该地区曾是土著塔哈姆人的聚居地í 据说崇拜艾尔佩的人ñón、 正如许多当地人现在所说。可能是因为它太滑了,直到1954年,一小群朋友用楔子把一系列木板塞进一条垂直的裂缝里,才知道有人爬上过这块岩石。他们了五天时间才到达顶峰。
