标签 月全食 下的文章

贝尔尼纳山脉和血月,瑞士 Panoramic view of the Bernina Range with blood moon, Eastern Alps, Engadin, Switzerland (© Bernd Zoller/Shutterstock)

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贝尔尼纳山脉血月瑞士 Panoramic view of the Bernina Range with blood moon, Eastern Alps, Engadin, Switzerland (© Bernd Zoller/Shutterstock)

准备迎接血月 Get ready for the blood moon

Lunar eclipse

If you're lucky enough to find yourself under a cloudless sky tonight, you'll be able to see one of our solar system's great wonders, a full lunar eclipse, also known as a 'blood moon.' The spooky nickname derives from the reddish hue the moon takes on when Earth casts its shadow upon it. Featured here is a blood moon over the Swiss Alps. A full lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth and moon align perfectly with the sun, and the moon falls directly behind Earth's shadow. When Earth falls behind the Moon's shadow, a solar eclipse occurs.

While total eclipses of the sun get more attention and make a more dramatic entrance, total lunar eclipses are majestic in their own right and are much more user-friendly. For one, you can look directly at a total lunar eclipse without any worry of harming your eyes. And they're viewable by far more people than solar eclipses. That's because a total lunar eclipse can last for hours, while solar eclipses last just a few minutes. In addition, lunar eclipses are viewable anywhere on the nighttime side of the world while total solar eclipses occur only within a narrow longitude on the planet.

Tonight's lunar eclipse coincides with the Flower Moon, the full moon of every May. It can be seen from Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia, but is best viewed from North and South America. While not exactly rare, total lunar eclipses don't occur too often, and even when they do, they can be hidden by cloud cover. If you miss tonight's blood moon, you'll get a second chance this year in November. Your next chance after that will be in three years, so you might want to plan to stay up late tonight.





2015年4月4日摄于Tear Drop Arch附近的月全食,犹他州纪念碑谷 The total lunar eclipse of April 4, 2015, taken from near Tear Drop Arch, in western Monument Valley, Utah (© Alan Dyer/Alamy)

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2015年4月4日摄于Tear Drop Arch附近的月全食犹他州纪念碑谷 The total lunar eclipse of April 4, 2015, taken from near Tear Drop Arch, in western Monument Valley, Utah (© Alan Dyer/Alamy)

Behold the blood moon

We've heard the phrase 'many moons,' but never took it this literally. We're looking at 28 merged photos of our one and only moon over Utah's Monument Valley: 26 snapshots of its partial phases, plus two layered exposures of the eclipsing moon at center.

If the weather's agreeable tonight, folks in the US and many other parts of the world are in for a total 14-minute eclipse of the full moon similar to this one from 2015. The lunar eclipse is sometimes called a blood moon for the crimson shadow Earth casts on the lunar surface, and tonight's show carries a little extra gravity: The eclipse will occur as the moon takes its closest pass to Earth this year, making it appear large in the sky and giving it the ominous title of Super Blood Moon.


