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At-Bashy地区的彩虹,Kakshaal Too山脉,纳伦省,吉尔吉斯斯坦 A rainbow in At-Bashy District , Kakshaal Too Mountains, Naryn Province, Kyrgyzstan (© Emad aljumah/Getty Images)

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At-Bashy地区的彩虹,Kakshaal Too山脉,纳伦省,吉尔吉斯斯坦 A rainbow in At-Bashy District  , Kakshaal Too Mountains, Naryn Province, Kyrgyzstan (© Emad aljumah/Getty Images)

希望彩虹留在这里 Wish hue were here


正如青蛙科米特(《布偶电影》中的主角)曾在歌曲《彩虹般的连接》中所唱的那样:“彩虹是幻象,但只是幻象,彩虹没有什么可以隐藏的……”每年4月3日是美国的 “全国寻找彩虹日”,这一天旨在庆祝这一多彩的自然现象,它让世界各地的人们都欣喜不已。当阳通过大气中的雨滴,光线被反射和散射时,彩虹就会出现。在“寻找彩虹日”这天,人们会参加相关的活动,例如在雨后寻找彩虹或者是创作以彩虹为主题的艺术。在今天的图片中,我们看到一道彩虹挂在吉尔吉斯斯坦雄伟的Kakshaal Too 脉上,崎岖的山峰和纯净原始的山谷构成了一副绝美的背景图,与稍纵即逝的彩虹美景相得益彰。

Find a Rainbow Day

As Kermit the Frog once sang, 'Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, and rainbows have nothing to hide.' Every year on April 3, National Find a Rainbow Day celebrates this colorful natural phenomenon that delights people all around the world. Rainbows occur when sunlight reflects and disperses through raindrops in the atmosphere. On Find a Rainbow Day, people take part in activities like searching for rainbows after rainfall or creating rainbow-themed art. In today's image, we see a rainbow splashed across the majestic Kakshaal Too Mountains in Kyrgyzstan. The Kakshaal Too range, with its rugged peaks and pristine valleys, is a fitting backdrop for the fleeting beauty of rainbows.