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木阿洞穴,越南宁平 Mua Caves in the Ninh Bình province of Vietnam (© Cavan Images/Offset)
瑞尼尔山国家公园,美国华盛顿州 Mount Rainier National Park in Washington state (© Stephen Matera/Tandem Stills + Motion)
哈尔滨冰雪节,中国 The Harbin Ice and Snow Festival in China (© Gavin Hellier/Getty Images)
巴黎歌剧院穹顶上的夏加尔画作 Marc Chagall's ceiling inside the Palais Garnier on the anniversary of its opening (© Stephane Gautier/agefotostock)
兰茨胡特的触觉地图,德国 For World Braille Day, a tactile map of Landshut, Germany (© Zoonar GmbH/Alamy)
At the top of Mount Fuji in Japan. Happy New Year! © Nopasorn Kowathanakul/Getty Images
At the top of Mount Fuji in Japan. Happy New Year! © Nopasorn Kowathanakul/Getty Images