“我爱你”海滩自然保护区的沙洲,桑给巴尔,坦桑尼亚 Sand bar in Nakupenda Beach Nature Reserve, Zanzibar, Tanzania (© Lubos Paukeje/Alamy)

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“我爱你”海滩自然保护区的沙洲,桑给巴尔,坦桑尼亚 Sand bar in Nakupenda Beach Nature Reserve, Zanzibar, Tanzania (© Lubos Paukeje/Alamy)

世界上最独特的海滩? The world's most exclusive beach?


Nakupenda 海滩自然保护区位于桑给巴尔西海岸外的一个小沙上。 这个沙洲被印度洋碧绿的海水所环绕,是游客沐浴阳和享受金色沙滩的热门目的地。 在海浪之下,海洋生物创造了一个充满活力的海底世界,非常适合浮潜。 坦桑尼亚的岛屿是奔巴角鸮和非洲鱼雕等一系列野生动物的家园。 在 Nakupenda 以北,您可以在 Changuu 岛上遇到一个乌保护区,而他们的海龟表亲则在周围水域游泳。

Nakupenda Beach Nature Reserve, Zanzibar, Tanzania

Off the west coast of Zanzibar, the Nakupenda Beach Nature Reserve sits on a small, sandy island. Surrounded by the Indian Ocean, this sand bar is a popular destination with tourists looking to soak up the sun's rays on its white sands. Plentiful marine life here creates a vibrant underwater world that is perfect for snorkeling. The islands of Tanzania are home to an array of wildlife like the Pemba scops owl and the African fish eagle. To the north of Nakupenda, there is a giant tortoise sanctuary on Changuu Island, while their sea turtle cousins swim in the surrounding waters.

标签: 海滩, 鸟瞰, 坦桑尼亚

