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巨型红杉的小萌芽,加利福尼亚州 A young giant sequoia sprouting out of an old log in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California (© Hutch Axilrod/Getty Images)

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巨型红杉的小萌芽,加利福尼亚州 A young giant sequoia sprouting out of an old log in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California (© Hutch Axilrod/Getty Images)

潜力惊人的萌芽 The sprout with amazing potential

Arbor Day

With a little love and support, this little sprout at Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in California has a big future ahead of it. It has the potential to one day be the tallest tree on the planet, or at least close to it. Its 'big brother,' Hyperion, currently holds the record at 380 feet. They're giant sequoias, aka giant redwood trees. They often grow upwards of 300 feet tall and can live for thousands of years. They're heroes of nature, affecting the weather and climate, while housing and protecting other plants and animals. But all of this little sprout's potential is at risk because the giant sequoia is an endangered species. Fewer than 80,000 of them remain. That's why today is an important day for it and all trees.

That's right, today is Arbor Day, the day where we stop a moment to think about the trees (and hopefully even plant a few). The first American Arbor Day occurred 150 years ago when an estimated one million trees were planted in Nebraska in 1872. This year, America's Arbor Day Foundation is celebrating its 50th year of dedication to tree planting. They've planted over 350 million of them over the years, but the mission never ends. Trees are vital to the health of our planet, which means they're important for our own health as well. Why not do a little to make the future a better place and take a moment to nurture or plant a new tree today?



生机盎然的酢浆草和红杉树,美国大草原溪红杉州立公园 Coastal redwoods and wood sorrel, Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California (© Jack Dykinga/Minden Pictures)

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生机盎然的酢浆草和红杉美国草原溪红杉州立公园 Coastal redwoods and wood sorrel, Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California (© Jack Dykinga/Minden Pictures)

有四叶草吗? Any with four leaves?

St. Patrick's Day

Ireland has been called the land of '40 shades of green,' but this green leprechaun's-eye view comes from the feet of California's giant sequoias. Today we celebrate St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, who famously never traveled to California. St. Patrick is often depicted holding a shamrock, which he purportedly used to spread Christianity in Ireland by saying the leaves illustrated the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit of the Holy Trinity. Never mind that Celtic druids had revered the sacred shamrock and its three leaves long before Patrick's arrival. Coins depicting St. Patrick with a shamrock date back as far as 1675.

Legends of St. Patrick abound. For example, he's said to have driven the snakes out of Ireland, but most experts would suggest it was the cool, damp weather that kept the serpents from ever arriving there in the first place. Tradition has it that he died on March 17 of the year 461 CE, and one can only assume that a year later the first green beer was served.

Whether you find yourself in Dublin, the California coast, or any point in between today, we leave you with a traditional Irish toast: 'May your glass be ever full. May the roof over your head be always strong. And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.'



