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慕那尔山区的茶园,印度喀拉拉邦 Tea plantations in the mountains of Munnar in Kerala, India (© SvitlanaBelinska/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

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慕那尔山区茶园印度喀拉拉邦 Tea plantations in the mountains of Munnar in Kerala, India (© SvitlanaBelinska/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

印度慕纳尔 Munnar, India

Tea plantations in the mountains of Munnar in Kerala, India

The hill station of Munnar is synonymous with rolling hills that are carpeted with verdant plantations of tea – a delicious beverage loved worldwide. The town became a hotspot for tea plantations after John Daniel Munro, a colonial office of the British raj, first visited the place in the late 1870s. He discovered that much of Munnar’s land was suitable for growing tea and coffee. Today, the hill station is recognised for some of the best and most beautiful tea gardens across the globe.

Tea in Munnar is grown on its undulating terrain, which appears as they are covered with a bright green blanket. The entire place has amazing scenery and offers a panoramic view of the majestic Western Ghats. No doubt one of the best places to immerse yourself in your favourite novel and enjoy a warm cup of tea!


芒纳山站是起伏山丘的代名词,起伏山丘上覆盖着翠绿的茶园——一种全世界都喜爱的美味饮料。19世纪70年代末,英国国王的殖民办公室约翰·丹尼尔·蒙罗(John Daniel Munro)首次访问该镇后,该镇成为茶园的热点。他发现芒纳的大部分土地适合种植茶叶和咖啡。今天,希尔车站被公认为是全球最好、最美丽的茶园之一。
