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英国拉德克里夫图书馆和万灵学院,牛津大学,英格兰 The Radcliffe Camera and All Souls College, University of Oxford, England (© atiger/Shutterstock)

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英国拉德克里夫图书馆和万灵学院,牛津大学英格兰 The Radcliffe Camera and All Souls College, University of Oxford, England (© atiger/Shutterstock)

尽享欢乐时 Ring in the fun


“冒险是否会有尽头?我想不会吧,因为总有人要继续讲述这个故事。” 今天是托尔金日,全球的读者们共同纪念这位创造了中土世界史诗冒险故事的大师:托尔金。托尔金可能是故事的开创者,但他的读者才是故事的传承者,一代又一代的读者沉浸在《霍比特人》、《指环王》等作品中。托尔金的读者们每年都会组织传统的祝酒活动庆祝托尔金的生日,在当地时间的晚上9点站起来并举起酒杯,说一声“敬教授”,然后喝一口即可。


Happy Birthday, J.R.R. Tolkien!

'Don't adventures ever have an end? I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on the story.' Today, on Tolkien Day, fans around the world honor the master storyteller who crafted the epic adventures of Middle-earth: J.R.R. Tolkien. While Tolkien may have started the tale, it's his readers who carry it forward, generation after generation, diving into the pages of 'The Hobbit,' 'The Lord of the Rings,' and beyond. Tolkienists are encouraged to celebrate the author's birthday with a toast at 9 PM local time—to participate, all you must do is stand and raise a glass of your choice, say 'The Professor,' and take a sip.

For today's featured image, it is only fitting to visit a place that might have inspired the literary legend: the Radcliffe Camera, or Rad Cam, at the University of Oxford in England. Originally a science library, the domed, circular building now serves as a reading room for the Bodleian Library. This 18th-century building is said to be an inspiration for Sauron's temple to Morgoth on Númenor in Tolkien's fiction. Though Tolkien himself didn't study there—he was a student at Exeter College—he would have passed by the Rad Cam countless times during his years as a professor of English Language and Literature at Oxford. This building, with its extraordinary exterior, continues to captivate visitors and Tolkien enthusiasts alike.