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吕贝克的霍尔斯滕门,德国 The Holsten Gate in Lübeck, Germany (© Harald Nachtmann/Getty Images)

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吕贝克的霍尔斯滕门,德国 The Holsten Gate in Lübeck, Germany (© Harald Nachtmann/Getty Images)

纪念硬币上的著名建筑 Famous on commemorative coins


砖砌哥特式建筑建于1464年,是吕贝克中世纪城市防御工事的遗迹之一,也是现存的两座城门之一,另一座是城堡门 (Burgtor)。

1950年,Holsten Gate 再次成为博物馆,这次是为了展示市政历史。 展示了历史悠久的吕贝克遗物,以模型和图片展示了中世纪吕贝克的发展,展示了汉萨同盟舰模型和旗舰“吕贝克之鹰”。

Holsten Gate, Lübeck, Germany

The Holsten Gate is a city gate marking off the western boundary of the old center of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck. Built-in 1464, the Brick Gothic construction is one of the relics of Lübeck's medieval city fortifications and one of two remaining city gates, the other being the Citadel Gate (Burgtor). Known for its two-round towers and arched entrance, it is regarded today as a symbol of the city.

In 1950 the Holsten Gate was again a museum, this time for municipal history. Relics from historic Lübeck were presented, the development of medieval Lübeck was shown by using models and pictures, and models of the ships of the Hanseatic League and the flagship "Eagle of Lübeck" were exhibited.