巴尼奥斯附近的阿格杨瀑布,厄瓜多尔 Agoyán waterfall near Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador (© Laura BC/Getty Images)

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巴尼奥斯附近的阿格杨瀑布厄瓜多尔 Agoyán waterfall near Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador (© Laura BC/Getty Images)

On the Route of the Waterfalls

Coursing down the steep slopes of the Andes, just as the mountains meet the Amazon jungle, the Pastaza River is forced through a narrow channel, which concentrates its power like a firehose. The roiling torrent then shoots over the edge of this mountainside, plunging 200 feet into a cauldron-shaped pool. Agoyán, better known as El Pailón del Diablo (The Devil's Cauldron) is Ecuador's tallest and most famous waterfall. It's a highlight of the Ruta de las Cascadas (Route of the Waterfalls), a popular circuit of the many waterfalls and hot springs near the mountain town of Baños de Agua Santa.

Baños, as it's better known, is in the shadow of Tungurahua, one of South America's most active volcanoes. The once-sleepy town has become a gateway to the Amazon for outdoor adventurers who love to hike, zipline, rock climb, or bike down the mountain to this roaring cascade in the verdant jungle. Pro tip: Bring a rain jacket. The best way to experience the awesome power of The Devil's Cauldron is to walk onto a swaying suspension bridge and then follow the steep steps down the mountainside, around and behind the roaring curtain of water, literally soaking in the view.


帕萨扎沿着安第斯山脉的陡坡蜿蜒而下,就在脉与亚马逊丛林交汇之际,它被迫穿过一条狭窄的河道,像消防水龙带一样集中了它的力量。翻滚的激流随后从山腰边缘喷涌而出,注入200英尺深的一个大锅状的水池。阿戈安,俗称暗黑破坏神(魔鬼大锅),是厄瓜多尔最高、最著名的瀑布。它是瀑布之路(Ruta de las Cascadas)的一大亮点,瀑布之路是巴尼奥斯德阿古亚圣塔(Baños de Agua Santa)山镇附近众多瀑布和温的热门线路。


标签: 瀑布, 厄瓜多尔

