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苏阿海沟,萨摩亚乌波卢岛南海岸 To Sua Ocean Trench on the south coast of Upolu Island in Samoa (© Chris McLennan/Alamy)

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苏阿海沟,萨摩亚乌波卢海岸 (© Chris McLennan/Alamy)

To Sua Ocean Trench

This majestic swimming hole on Samoa's Upolu Island sits just inland from the Pacific coast. It was formed when the roof of an ancient lava tube collapsed, exposing the 98-foot-deep teal-blue pool. This is the largest of many such tide pools and blow holes formed in the area many thousands of years ago. An underground cave system connects this swimming hole to the nearby ocean, and the water rises and falls with the tides.

'To Sua' translates to English as 'big hole.' While accurate, it feels like an understatement in this context. For adventurous visitors to Upolu Island, To Sua Ocean Trench can feel like a trip to another world. To get to this natural saltwater pool, make your way along a cliffside path surrounded by lush forest. Then climb down to the waters via the wooden ladder. After your swim, you can squeeze through a cave-like lava tube to find yourself on a short, sandy beach.



“To Sua”在英语中译为“big hole”虽然准确,但在这种情况下,这感觉像是轻描淡写。对于到乌波卢岛探险的游客来说,到苏亚海沟就像到另一个世界旅行。要到达这个天然的咸水池,请沿着一条被茂密森林环绕的悬崖边小径前进。然后通过木梯爬下水面。游泳后,你可以挤过一个洞穴状的熔岩管,发现自己在一个短的沙滩上。