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天津滨海新区图书馆, 中国天津 Tianjin Binhai New Area Library in Tianjin, China (© Imaginechina Limited/Alamy)

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天津滨海新区图书馆, 中国天津 Tianjin Binhai New Area Library in Tianjin, China (© Imaginechina Limited/Alamy)

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World Book Day

World Book Day takes us to the Tianjin Binhai New Area Library in Tianjin, China. Nicknamed 'The Eye,' this immense, stunning facility was completed in 2017 as the focal point of the Binhai Cultural Center. Designed by Dutch design firm MVRDV in collaboration with local architects, the library's floor-to-ceiling bookshelves appear well stocked with books, but most of them are actually printed images. The real books are stored in traditional rooms with normal shelves. Still, it looks super cool.

The original idea for World Bood day was conceived in 1922 by Spanish writer Vicente Clavel Andrés to honor famed 16th century author Miguel de Cervantes. It was first celebrated in 1926 on October 7, Cervantes' birthday, before being moved in 1930 to his death date, April 23, which is also the date of William Shakespeare's death. In Spain, the day often involves an exchange of gifts, with the traditional gifts being a book and a rose. In 1995 the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) established World Book Day as a worldwide celebration of the written word and the power of stories.



1922年,西班牙作家维森特·克拉维尔·安德烈斯(Vicente Clavel Andrés)为纪念16世纪著名作家米格尔·德·塞万提斯(Miguel de Cervantes)而构思了世界嘘声日的最初构想。1926年10月7日,塞万提斯的生日,第一次庆祝这个节日。1930年,塞万提斯去世,也就是4月23日,也就是威廉·莎士比亚去世的日子。在西班牙,这一天通常包括交换礼物,传统的礼物是一本书和一朵玫瑰。1995年,联合国教育、科学及文化组织(UNESCO)设立了世界图书日,作为全世界对文字和故事力量的庆祝。