马赛长颈鹿,安波塞利国家公园,肯尼亚 Masai giraffes, Amboseli National Park, Kenya (© Art Wolfe/DanitaDelimont.com)

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马赛长颈鹿,安波塞利国家公园肯尼亚 Masai giraffes, Amboseli National Park, Kenya (© Art Wolfe/DanitaDelimont.com)

野生动物的生活 Life in the wild




Masai giraffes in Amboseli National Park, Kenya

Masai giraffes roam the vast landscape of Amboseli National Park in Kenya. With some more than 18 feet in height, giraffes are the world's tallest land mammals. Along with prehensile tongues that are more than a foot and a half long, they use their impressive height to eat leaves found almost 20 feet from the ground. They're also faster than you might think, able to sprint up to 37 mph over short distances. Giraffes are common in East Africa and can be seen grazing in grasslands, woodlands, and reserves.

Established 50 years ago, Amboseli National Park covers more than 150 square miles. Its swamps and wetlands teem with wildlife, including 400 species of birds, 40 of which are birds of prey. During safaris, people can see giraffes and four of Africa's 'Big Five' animals up close—lions, leopards, elephants, and African buffalo. Amboseli offers visitors a glimpse into the traditional Maasai way of life through cultural interactions, livestock herding, and coexistence with wildlife.

标签: 肯尼亚

