纳扎雷灯塔,葡萄牙 Nazaré Lighthouse atop Forte de São, Nazaré, Portugal (© Richard A Lock/Getty Images)

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纳扎雷灯塔葡萄牙 Nazaré Lighthouse atop Forte de São, Nazaré, Portugal (© Richard A Lock/Getty Images)

Nazaré Lighthouse

The iconic surf beaches of the world sit predominantly on the Pacific, but we're in the dead of shredding season on the Atlantic. Stormy winters from October to March beckon surfers donning their thickest wetsuits to brave gargantuan breaks here in Nazaré, Portugal. Brazilian surfer Rodrigo Koxa caught an 80-footer here in 2017, beating the previous Guinness World Record for surf wave height—also set here. Meanwhile, those less daredevilish among us are content to join this crowd standing in awe from the safety of Nazaré's Forte de São, a lighthouse-topped fortress on a shoreside cliff.


世界上标志性的冲浪海滩主要坐落在太平洋上,但我们正处于大西洋破碎季节的死期。在葡萄牙纳扎雷,从10月到3月,暴风雨冬天召唤着冲浪者穿上他们最厚的潜水服,勇敢地在这里进行巨大的休息。2017年,巴西冲浪运动员罗德里戈·科萨在这里捕获了一个80英尺高的冲浪者,打破了此前同样在这里创造的冲浪波高吉尼斯世界纪录。与此同时,我们当中那些胆小的人也很乐意加入到这群人当中,他们敬畏纳扎雷的圣堡堡(Forte de são)的安全,这是一座位于岸边悬崖上的灯塔式堡垒

标签: 葡萄牙, 灯塔

