坎塔布里亚的小教堂,西班牙 The chapel and hermitage of Santa Justa in Cantabria, Spain (© Luis Miguel Martin/Getty Images)

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坎塔布里亚的小教堂西班牙 The chapel and hermitage of Santa Justa in Cantabria, Spain (© Luis Miguel Martin/Getty Images)

The Hermitage of Santa Justa

Today's image brings us to Cantabria, a rugged region on the north coast of Spain. To reach this isolated stone hut, you'll need to wait until the frothing waters of the Bay of Biscay hit low tide, then traverse a silty path to the structure's façade. Peering in the windows, you'll see a cavernous room adorned with shrines—the long-abandoned living quarters of a religious hermit who dwelt here in the 8th century. Not your typical waterfront condo, but hey, it's cozy.



标签: 西班牙, 教堂

