梅加拉亚邦的七姐妹瀑布,印度 Nohsngithiang Falls in Meghalaya, India (© Upamanyoo Das/Shutterstock)

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梅加拉亚邦的七姐妹瀑布印度 Nohsngithiang Falls in Meghalaya, India (© Upamanyoo Das/Shutterstock)

India Nohsngithiang Falls

Nohsngithiang Falls is a picturesque waterfall located south of Mawsmai village in East Khasi Hills district in Meghalaya, India. The waterfalls from a height of 315 metres (1,033 ft), segmented into seven different sections, giving it the epithet of the Seven Sisters Waterfalls. As the name suggests, it has seven different waterfalls that are strategically arranged side by side on a high, rugged cliff, and they look compelling even from a distance. The scintillating waterfall is seasonal and plunges over the limestone-covered hills only during the monsoon.

Nohsngithiang Falls is symbolic of the seven sister states of Northeast India namely Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Mizoram, and Meghalaya. The waterfall cannot be entered into but creates a spectacular viewpoint that can be seen from nearby bridges and sheds. The beauty of the waterfall is indescribable during sunset when the rays of the sun fall on it creating a perennial rainbow, which is also one of the major highlights of the place.


Nohsngitiang瀑布是一个风景如画的瀑布,位于印度Meghalaya东Khasi Hills区Mawsmai村南部。瀑布的高度为315米(1033英尺),分为七个不同的部分,被称为七姐妹瀑布。顾名思义,它有七个不同的瀑布,从战略上讲,它们并排排列在一个高而崎岖的悬崖上,即使从远处看,它们也是引人注目的。闪烁的瀑布是季节性的,只有在季风季节才会在石灰岩覆盖的山丘上俯冲。

Nohsngithiang Falls象征着印度东北部的七姐妹州,即阿萨姆、阿鲁纳恰尔邦、曼尼普尔、Nagaland、特里普拉、米佐拉姆邦和梅加拉亚邦。瀑布无法进入,但创造了一个壮观的观点,可以从附近的梁和棚屋看到。日落时,阳照射在瀑布上,形成了一道经久不衰的彩虹,这也是这个地方的主要亮点之一,瀑布的美丽是无法形容的。

标签: 印度, 瀑布

