威斯康星州贝菲尔德附近的阿波斯特尔群岛国家湖岸,一只皮划艇正在探索砂岩海蚀洞 Kayaker exploring sandstone sea caves in Apostle Islands National Lakeshore near Bayfield, Wisconsin (© Chuck Haney/Danita Delimont)

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威斯康星州贝菲尔德附近的阿波斯特尔群岛国家岸,一只皮划艇正在探索砂岩海蚀 Kayaker exploring sandstone sea caves in Apostle Islands National Lakeshore near Bayfield, Wisconsin (© Chuck Haney/Danita Delimont)

A ‘Superior' paddle

The Apostle Islands National Lakeshore off the northern tip of Wisconsin is a paradise for kayakers and campers, and those who like to combine the two. The park includes 21 islands which, if you're willing to transport your own gear, offer uncrowded camp sites because, well, they're islands. Once you're in a kayak, you can explore some of the red sandstone sea caves, which are best appreciated from the water.

And yet, like many wild and rugged places that offer superlative views, be warned before venturing out. This is Lake Superior, the largest, deepest, roughest, and coldest of the five Great Lakes. Even on warm summer days, the water barely rises above 50 degrees, and the winds can be as fierce as any sea. So if you plan to kayak the Apostles, take care. Enjoy the adventure but make sure you check the weather report and prepare before paddling away.

标签: 威斯康星

