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阿布鲁佐的Rocca Calascio,意大利 Rocca Calascio in Abruzzo, Italy (© Francesco Russo/eStock Photo)

发布于 , 1445 次浏览


阿布鲁佐的Rocca Calascio,意大利 Rocca Calascio in Abruzzo, Italy (© Francesco Russo/eStock Photo)

A fortress in the sky

Beginning as a lone watchtower high in the Apennines in the 10th century, the fortress called Rocca Calascio gained more heft over the next few hundred years. A quartet of additional towers and heavy walls were gradually added around the first tower. These fortifications made clear that Rocco Calascio was ready for any military rivals who might scale the slopes from the valley below to attack this garrison. The fight never came. The ruins you see here are not battle scars but the result of a powerful earthquakes. By the early 1700s, Rocca Calascio was abandoned, but it can still claim the title of highest fortress in the Apennines—and some of the most spectacular views in all of Italy. In fact, filmmakers have chosen the site for several movies, including 'The Name of the Rose' and 'Ladyhawke.'

从10世纪亚平宁的一座孤金瞭望塔开始,这座名为罗卡·卡拉西奥的堡垒在接下来的几百年里变得更加高。在第一座塔楼周围逐渐增加了四分之一的塔楼和沉重的墙壁。这些防御工事表明,罗科·卡拉西奥已经为任何可能从下面的山谷上扩大斜坡攻击这个驻军的军事对手做好准备。战斗从未来过。你在这里看到的废墟不是战斗的伤疤,而是强烈地震的结果。到17世纪早期,罗卡卡拉西奥被遗弃,但它仍然可以声称在亚彭宁斯最高的堡垒的称号 - 和一些在意大利最壮观的景色。事实上,电影制作人已经为几部电影选择了该网站,包括《玫瑰的名字》和《夫人霍克》。