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拱门国家公园,犹他州莫阿布 Arches National Park, Moab, Utah (© Whit Richardson/Alamy Stock Photo)

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拱门国家公园犹他州莫阿布 Arches National Park, Moab, Utah (© Whit Richardson/Alamy Stock Photo)

Art in the high desert

The desert doubles as an art studio this week at Arches National Park, as painters from all over congregate for the Red Rock Art Festival. This Moab-based event is a celebration of what the French call painting 'en plein air,' or painting outside. Sounds like a fabulous idea to us (and what a view!). The colorful landscape here at Arches National Park is home to the highest density of natural arches in the world—upwards of 2,000—as well as more pinnacles and dramatically balanced rocks. Combine that with the fiery sunsets, pinyon trees, and splashes of sage and yucca, and we’d say these artists are in for a treat. Lucky for them, October is a pleasant time to visit the harsh, desert landscape.