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克瓦尔岛海岸以鲱鱼为食的座头鲸,北挪威特罗姆瑟 Humpback whale feeding on herring off the coast of Kvaløya, Troms, Northern Norway (© Espen Bergersen/Minden Pictures)

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克瓦尔海岸以鲱鱼为食的座头,北挪威特罗姆瑟 Humpback whale feeding on herring off the coast of Kvaløya, Troms, Northern Norway (© Espen Bergersen/Minden Pictures)

Whales in winter

Wintertime brings large numbers of humpback whales to the icy waters off the Norwegian coast, where they feed on herring and krill—and delight whale watchers with powerful leaps, tail-slaps, and glimpses into their underwater world. Male humpbacks are famous for theirhaunting songs, which can last up to 20 minutes and be heard over great distances underwater. Scientists aren’t sure why exactly the males sing these ballads, but some theorize it’s related to courtship. That sounds romantic enough, but ladies take note—the humpback isn’t one to settle down. It's a migratory animal that swims up to 16,000 miles a year, traveling from southern breeding grounds to Arctic waters like these.