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葡萄牙波尔图的莱洛书店 Livraria Lello in Porto, Portugal (© Nido Huebl/Shutterstock)

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葡萄牙波尔图的莱洛店 Livraria Lello in Porto, Portugal (© Nido Huebl/Shutterstock)

Enter the magical world of Livraria Lello

How will you celebrate International Literacy Day today? We're highlighting this important observance with a photo of a very special bookstore, Livraria Lello in Porto, Portugal. With its Art Nouveau façade, Neo-Gothic interior, stained-glass ceiling, swooping catwalks, and the dramatic, curvaceous staircase with crimson steps, the Lello is considered one of the most beautiful—and among the oldest—bookstores in the world. If rumors are true, the bookstore cast a spell on J.K. Rowling, inspiring scenery in 'Harry Potter,' such as the Hogwarts floating staircase and the Flourish and Blotts bookshop. (Rowling often visited the Lello when she lived in Porto in the early '90s.) The Lello bookstore opened in 1906 and has been serving up the magic of books ever since.


你们今天将如何庆祝国际扫盲日?我们用葡萄牙波尔图一家非常特别的书店Livraria Lello的照片来强调这一重要的纪念活动。Lello书店拥有新艺术风格的外立面、新哥特式的内部、彩色玻璃天板、俯冲的T型台和带有深红色台阶的戏剧性曲线美楼梯,被认为是世界上最美丽、最古老的书店之一。如果传闻属实,书店会对J.K.罗琳施下咒语,激发《哈利波特》中的灵感,比如霍格沃茨浮动楼梯和繁荣与布洛茨书店。(罗琳在90年代初住在波尔图时经常参观莱洛书店。)莱洛书店于1906年开业,从那时起就一直在提供书籍的魔力。