维也纳美景宫的圣诞市场,奥地利 Christmas market at Belvedere in Vienna, Austria (© Diyana Dimitrova/Alamy)

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维也纳美景宫的圣诞市场奥地利 Christmas market at Belvedere in Vienna, Austria (© Diyana Dimitrova/Alamy)

圣诞节的倒影 Reflecting on Christmas



我们的照片显示了奥地利的Belevedere圣诞市场,位于多瑙河对岸,上贝尔维代尔(Upper Belvedere)郊外,是该酒店的两座宫殿之一。如果你去逛圣诞集市,点时间逛一逛,看看这个季节的所有景色和气味。在维也纳,这座建筑令人印象深刻的城市在节日期间全力以赴,灯光、装饰和音乐一应俱全,而丽城宫则是一个颇具戏剧性的背景。

Christmas market at Belvedere in Vienna

Christmas markets win the holiday trifecta: You can buy interesting, often hand-crafted gifts, they are set in picturesque, romantic towns and villages in Europe, and they tempt you with mulled wine and local delicacies. What's not to like? Christmas markets, or 'Weihnachtsdorf,' are one of Europe's oldest Advent events.

Our photo shows Austria's Belevedere Christmas market from across the Danube River, outside Upper Belvedere, one of two palaces on the property. If you visit a Christmas market, make the time to stroll, taking in all the sights and smells of the season. In Vienna, the architecturally impressive city goes all out for the holidays, with lights, decorations, and music, and the Belvedere Palace is a suitably dramatic backdrop.

标签: 奥地利, 圣诞, 宫殿

