- 斯卡拉布雷的新石器时代遗迹, 奥克尼群岛, 苏格兰 The neolithic settlement of Skara Brae, Orkney, Scotland (© Paul Williams - FunkyStock/Getty Images)
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- 斯托尔,斯凯岛上展露的岩石尖峰,苏格兰,英国 The Storr, a rock outcrop on the Isle of Skye, Scotland (© Juan Maria Coy Vergara/Getty Images)
- 斯利加坎老桥,苏格兰斯凯岛 Sligachan Old Bridge, Isle of Skye, Scotland (© Aliaume Chapelle/Tandem Stills + Motion)
- 艾琳多南堡,苏格兰高地 (© VisualCommunications/Getty Images)