阿尔加维海岸附近的Ponta da Piedade岩层,葡萄牙 Ponta da Piedade rock formations off the coast of Algarve, Portugal (© David Santiago Garcia/Offset)

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阿尔加维海岸附近的Ponta da Piedade岩层,葡萄牙 Ponta da Piedade rock formations off the coast of Algarve, Portugal (© David Santiago Garcia/Offset)

Ponta da Piedade rock formations off the coast of Algarve, to celebrate the Day

Today we're featuring the Ponta da Piedade rock formations in the Algarve region as a nod to Portugal Day, a celebration of the Portuguese nation and its people. Observed throughout the Portuguese diaspora, the main festivities are military ceremonies, exhibitions, concerts, pageants, and parades on June 10, the anniversary of the death of Portuguese poet Luís de Camões. Camões was an incredibly colorful character whose poem 'Os Lusíadas' chronicled the discovery of the sea route to India by Portuguese explorers and the development of the Portuguese Empire. It is regarded as the national epic poem, much like Virgil's 'Aeneid' was to the Ancient Romans, and his influence is so great that Portuguese is often referred to as “the language of Camões.”

标签: 葡萄牙

