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阿尔卑斯山Cheran峡谷中流淌的河流,法国萨瓦 River running through Cheran Gorges, Alps, Savoie, France (© Jean-Philippe Delobelle/Minden)

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阿尔卑斯山Cheran峡谷中流淌的河流法国萨瓦 River running through Cheran Gorges, Alps, Savoie, France (© Jean-Philippe Delobelle/Minden)

A very precious river

Autumn has settled here on the banks of the Chéran, a river of the Northern Prealps, a small region of Savoy, France. Nicknamed "the pearl of the Bauges" because of its remarkable character and the beauty of the landscapes it crosses, this mountain stream is conducive to many activities, including one you don't expect!

Gold miners have been visiting the Chéran since the middle ages – the 24-carat river known as one of the purest in the world - however the inhabitants of the region are confident that there will be no gold rush here.