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大西洋和特内里费山脉上空的流云,西班牙加那利群岛 Flowing clouds over the Atlantic Ocean and Tenerife mountains, Canary Islands, Spain (© MikeMareen/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

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大西洋和特内里费山脉上空的流西班牙加那利群岛 Flowing clouds over the Atlantic Ocean and Tenerife mountains, Canary Islands, Spain (© MikeMareen/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

Sea of clouds

What you can see in our photo is a sea of clouds over the island of Tenerife, in Spain, a very common atmospheric phenomenon in the Canary archipelago. It is formed when the Trade winds arriving full of humidity from the ocean cannot rise due to a temperature inversion experimented above, so they form stracocumulus between 500 and 1,500 meters high.

Stratocumulus are large round shaped clouds formed in low altitude that cannot develop vertically because the dry and stable atmosphere above prevents them from rising. In addition to this, in north Tenerife they usually get stucked in the skirts of the mountains. That is why this place is one of the best to watch these flowing clouds. Its colour is usually dark, but at certain moments, such as at dawn showed in our image, the clouds acquire a bluish hue similar to the sea.