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新西兰的萨瑟兰瀑布和奎尔湖 Sutherland Falls and Lake Quill in New Zealand (© Michael Rathmayr/plainpicture)

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新西兰萨瑟兰瀑布奎尔湖 Sutherland Falls and Lake Quill in New Zealand (© Michael Rathmayr/plainpicture)

Sutherland Falls in Fiordland National Park

Sutherland Falls spills over the side of Lake Quill in the jagged, glacier-carved landscape of Fiordland National Park on New Zealand's South Island. For years, it was believed to be the tallest waterfall in the world, thanks in part to a rough estimate by Scottish explorer Donald Sutherland, the first European to see the falls. Later, more scientific surveys proved this estimate to be significantly inflated, but Sutherland Falls is still 1,900 feet tall, which is plenty high in our book.

It's probably pretty cold out in the Fiordland wilderness today, as the Southern Hemisphere is in the midst of winter. While the Northern Hemisphere has tilted toward the sun, giving us the long, warm days of summer, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted away, so the days are short and nights are cold.