座头鲸,迪斯科湾,格陵兰 Humpback whale, Disko Bay, Greenland (© Paul Souders/DanitaDelimont.com)

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座头,迪斯科格陵兰 Humpback whale, Disko Bay, Greenland (© Paul Souders/DanitaDelimont.com)

跳出“濒危名单” Jumping off the endangered list

《濒危物种保护法》颁布 50 周年


50 years of the Endangered Species Act

Today is a special milestone for our furry, scaly, and feathered friends: the Endangered Species Act is turning 50. This landmark legislation, signed into law in 1973, has been helping species on the brink for half a century. Who's that in the spotlight? A humpback whale! Known for their haunting songs and acrobatic breaches, these gentle giants are a success story of the ESA. They were once on the edge of extinction, largely due to commercial whaling, but thanks to conservation efforts, their population has bounced back from around 5,000 in 1966 to an estimated 135,000 today. However, our work isn't over. Challenges persist, from habitat loss to poaching. So, what can we do? Spread the word, support conservation efforts, participate in local initiatives, and be eco-friendly.

标签: 格陵兰

