- 桉树,梅加龙谷,蓝山山脉国家公园,新南威尔士州,澳大利亚 Eucalyptus trees, Megalong Valley, Blue Mountains National Park, NSW, Australia (© Andrew Peacock/TANDEM Stills + Motion)
- 泰瑞尔湖,维多利亚州,澳大利亚 Lake Tyrrell, Victoria, Australia (© Monica Bertolazzi/Getty Images)
- 塔斯曼拱门,塔斯马尼亚州,澳大利亚 Tasmans Arch, Tasmania, Australia (© Gary Bell/Minden Pictures)
- 秋季葡萄园的鸟瞰图,瓦恩哈尔特,黑森林,德国 Aerial view of vineyards in autumn, Varnhalt, Black Forest, Germany (© Sabine Gerold/Amazing Aerial Agency)
- 摩泽尔河谷的葡萄园,莱茵兰-法尔茨,德国 Vineyards in the Moselle Valley, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (© Jorg Greuel/Getty Images)