老君山,河南,中国 Laojun Mountain in Henan, China (© Sino Images/Getty Images) (© Sino Images/Getty Images)

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【今日冬至】老君河南中国 Laojun Mountain in Henan, China (© Sino Images/Getty Images) (© Sino Images/Getty Images)

Mt Laojun, wonderland on Earth

This is the Mount Laojun which was located two and a half hours south-west of Luoyang, it is one of the most popular destinations in Henan province. Laojun Mountain is a great scenery in all seasons, and only the winter snow scenery is better, Our picture show the beauty scenery of the DongZhi. If you do not feel like climbing, it’s possible to climb the gondola with a spectacular view of the region and the characteristics of the mountain: small waterfalls, green trees, rocks with original shapes … At the top from the mountain is a gilded roof pavilion attracting the majority of visitors.


标签: 中国, 冬至, 河南

