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菲斯皇宫的大门,摩洛哥 The gates of the Royal Palace (Dar El Makhzen) in Fez, Morocco (© Adam Smigielski/Getty Images)

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菲斯皇宫的大门,摩洛哥 The gates of the Royal Palace (Dar El Makhzen) in Fez, Morocco (© Adam Smigielski/Getty Images)

通往皇宫的大门 Keyholes to the kingdom



我们的图像纪念了今天的两个事件:您看到的是摩洛哥国王在费兹市的王宫达尔·马克岑(Dar al-Makhzen)的正门。虽然宫殿最初建于1276年,但这些华丽的大门是在20世纪60年代和70年代增加的,由木材和青铜制成,加上复杂的马赛克瓷砖,这是伊斯兰艺术的一个标志,无论新旧。

International Day of Islamic Art

The International Day of Islamic Art, proclaimed by UNESCO in 2019, occurs every November 18 to celebrate past and contemporary artistic expressions of Islam, and to highlight Islamic artists' contributions to world civilization. November 18 also marks Morocco's independence day, or Fete de l'Independence, commemorating Sultan Muhammad V's return to Morocco from exile in 1955.

Our image honors both of today's events: You're beholding the main gates of the Dar al-Makhzen, the royal palace of the King of Morocco in the city of Fez. While the palace was originally founded in 1276, these ornate gates were added in the 1960s and '70s, crafted of wood and bronze—plus intricate mosaic tiling, a hallmark of Islamic art both old and new.