日落时的多伦多天际线 Toronto skyline at sunset (© diegograndi/Getty Images)

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日落时的多伦多天际线 Toronto skyline at sunset (© diegograndi/Getty Images)

A celebration of films in the city

Lights, camera, action! Today, we’re in Canada’s largest city getting ready for celebrity-spotting as the iconic Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) is officially underway. As a prestigious gathering of independent artists, emerging talents and award-winning filmmakers from around the world, TIFF easily draws in more than 400,000 festival-goers each year. This year, given the coronavirus pandemic, the 45th edition of the festival will include a mix of virtual screenings, drive-ins, digital red carpet events, and in-person screenings with social distancing in place. Be sure to keep your popcorn ready!

标签: 多伦多, 日落

